The power of Your own thoughts and owning Your life.

Two brilliant lessons for think and grow rich lessons chapter 1. Thanks to both Bob Shoaf and Margi Starr for their brilliant lessons this week.

If You would like to learn how to own Your life and improve Your own skills and live the life of Your dreams by owning Your own thoughts,

Please feel free to let us know via email.

Bob Shoaf Alamogordo, NM, USA



If everyone who downloads Michael’s ebook, STS, had a BURNING DESIRE to
accomplish their reason for downloading it, this chapter would be the only one

Take Edwin C. Barnes who demonstrated, “THOUGHTS ARE THINGS“. He had no money.
He hoped a freight train, went to meet Edison, not to work for him, but to go
into business with him. Barnes accepted whatever job Edison offered so he would
be in the presence of Edison.

Our thoughts are very powerful. Michael demonstrates that with the “Kinesiology
Muscle Test”. It may be found at For the non-
believer, it has been demonstrated with double blind tests.

By learning these 13 Steps or Principles in Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich, we
can attract anything and anybody we desire into our lives.

We are GUARANTEED success, if we are COACHABLE.

What does COACHABLE mean? It means:

1. Beginning to developing ones “Why” from Chapter 2 of STS.
2. Being on at least one of these calls each Wednesday.
3. Posting lessons and speaking up on the calls.
4. Reading other posted lessons, ideally all of them.
5. Developing a relationship with other members.
6. Learning the 13 Steps or Principles in this book.
7. Other activities will present themselves as time passes.

This Wednesday studying of T&GR is, as far as we know, the most in depth and
complete training known. It is live, interactive and hands on.

There is another aspect, a critical aspect of the MFF training. We are given the
opportunity to put into practice what we are learning here on Wednesdays. I like
to think of it as On The Job Training (OJT). This is what we called it in my Air
Force days. We have a coach and a mentor to help us.

MFF has the complete package, beginning to whatever a person desires.

I thank Michael and Linda for having the BURNING DESIRE as Barnes did to create
MFF. To keep the BURNING DESIRE, for years, making MFF even better. This is an
example of our DESIRES growing as new opportunities present themselves.

I thank the members of each training session, who create a master mind group, as
Hill suggests. Without them, we would be a master mind of one. Each of us has
demonstrated over the years a master mind of one just does not work. That is why
we are here.

Bob Shoaf
Alamogordo, NM

PS: Here I get very personal and sometimes emotional when those who have
downloaded my ebook and are communicating with me on a regular basis. We too
form a master mind group as Hill suggests. I thank each and every one of them
for allowing me to communicate with them. We are helping each other on our road
to success. Thank you each one of you. I will believe in you, until you believe
in yourself.

My pledge to each one of you is that I will give you more support than you have
gotten prior to downloading my ebook.


Margi Starr Springfield, Ohio, USA

Chapter 1—Thoughts Are Things

Secrets can be such fun. Who doesn’t like to walk into a room and hear people shout,

“Surprise! Happy Birthday!”

I’m going to share with you a really great secret. You are going to want to shout it to the rooftops!

It’s a secret that has been known by men of great wealth throughout the ages. This secret is so powerful, it transforms lives.

Knowing this secret gave a raggedy man (Edwin C Barnes) the courage to ride in a boxcar with the single thought that he was going to work for Thomas Edison.

Knowing this secret gave Mary Kay Ash the determination to turn her cosmetic brand into a multimillion dollar business.

Knowing this secret gave Bill Gates the ability to become one of the wealthiest and most philanthropic men on the planet.

So if this secret is so powerful, why is it not core curriculum in our public education system? Certainly the knowledge and application of this ranks right up there with reading, writing, and figuring out algebraic equations.

Most people assume that the classic book Think and Grow Rich is a book about attaining wealth. I first read it hoping to find a magic formula for success. I wasn’t looking for wizardry, but I was certainly hoping to find some clues as to how to change my life.

I read the entire book. I highlighted many sentences. I wrote notes in the margins.

But I didn’t get it. Probably because I wasn’t ready for it.

The secret eluded me even though it is woven throughout every chapter of the book.

The opening chapter is called “Thoughts are Things.” In it, Hill introduces his philosophy that we can control our destiny.

As a Christian, I believe that the Creator has given me Free Will. That means that I get to make choices each day of my life.

Lots and lots and lots of choices.

The choices I make each initiate with a Thought. When my Thoughts are vibrating with Positive Energy, they are going to trigger the right choices that create an Incredible Destiny.

As I learn to control my MIND, I hold the KEY to Owning My Life.

Fear doesn’t own my life. Scarcity, Jealousy, and Anger don’t own my life. I am no longer enslaved to Revenge, Greed, or Superstition. And I refuse to live with a Scarcity mindset.

The foundation to the Secret to Success is in this opening chapter because success BEGINS with the power of Thought.

God has given this incredible gift to each of us. It’s part of our DNA, but it is up to as how we use it.

If this is the first time you’ve been told that you can own your life, then let me say,

“Happy Birthday!”

Because it truly can be the beginning of a brand new life!

Margi Starr

Springfield, Ohio


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We believe in You
Your friends and mentors,
Ben and Jenny

“Helping families live better lives”

You know how most people are wanting to create an income from home to be able to spend more time with their families. Some people have found a way to be able to spend more time with their loved ones and still have an income com
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