Month: October 2014

We need to make decisions promptly and stick with them

Mentor Ben Drake
Personal Development / Think and Grow Rich lessons with Mentor Ben Drake

We need to make decisions promptly and stick with them through whatever occurs. Within our own lives we need to make decisions regularly from getting married to doing a business. Yet in order to make a decision we must stop allowing fears to get in our own way. We must stop listening to those fears […]

Was your goal to improve your health this year

Mentor Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mentor Ben Drake

Was your goal to improve your health this year???? What are you doing to achieve that goal???? do you need assistance to achieve that goal???? take a look at for products which may assist you in achieving your goal.

whats driving you to succeed

Mentor Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mentor Ben Drake

whats driving you to succeed? a nailed “WHY” is SO powerful, and I have seen it work so BIG so many times, that I am absolutely unable to stop myself from helping you find exactly the “WHY” that drives YOU. what where you put on this planet to achieve and do. discover how to find […]