Month: January 2011

Letting go of those who you love

Mentor Ben Drake
Mentor Ben Drake

<![CDATA[ In life the hardest thing can be letting go of someone who meant a lot to you. Sometimes it’s just that not easy at all, the people who come into our lives are there either for a short or long time however they are always there to teach us something. Weather it’s about ourselves […]

Growing up without being shown love

Mentor Ben Drake
Mentor Ben Drake

<![CDATA[ One of the hardest environments to grow up in an environment where there is abuse. Unfortunately it’s an environment where some people grow up, the environment where the parents do not love themselves; so they show the child no love, which hurts them later in life. It makes it hard to be able to […]

Finding the strength to cope during the rough periods.

Mentor Ben Drake
Mentor Ben Drake

<![CDATA[ Finding the strength to cope or to move on during rough periods is hard. It’s not easy, one of the things that is needed during these periods is a friend who fully understands and is willing to be supportive and encouraging during this period. They accept and support you through that period either good […]

Living life for yourself and not for others

Mentor Ben Drake
Mentor Ben Drake

<![CDATA[ What do I mean by such, well at times in our lives we live by what others tell us or program us to do. At other times we put others first we take care of them over our own wants needs and desires. People will put others needs wants or desires ahead of their […]

Making a commitment

Mentor Ben Drake
Mentor Ben Drake

In life we meet people who say yes I am going to do that and never follow through with such. They say yes and then do not go through with that commitment. It does not mean that the person is unreliable it means that they have other things which they consider a priority. Suppose someone […]