Desire when you want it bad enough

“Only those who become ‘Money Conscious’ ever accumulate great riches, Money consciousness means that the mind has become so thoroughly saturated with desire for the money, that one can see ones self already in possession of it” Napoleon Hill. Our desire must be that we are able to already see ourselves having achieved that goal […]

Beware of him who tries to poison your mind against another under the pretense of helping you. The chances are a thousand to one he is trying to help himself. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

South African poet and painter Breyten Breytenback tells of a black man named Freedom who was the property of a one-legged slave owner in the days before the abolition of slavery. Whenever the owner bought a new pair of shoes, he gave the left one, which he couldn’t use, to Freedom. Eventually, wearing two left […]

What do you think about constantly?

For many years own thoughts were about wanting to be in a relationship and to be loved, along with wanting to provide for own family. Yet it took many years to realize that needed to learn more love for myself and accept my own health challenges within my own life. These challenges are ultimately what […]