Have you stopped working towards a goal and quit when it got too rough or someone told you that you are unable to do such or even the You can’t do such. Although you know you can do such as we all know that anything we put our minds to becomes a reality. When a person use’s words saying that You are unable to do such it paints a picture of their reality. That person wants to control You and your own thoughts. They are telling You what to think and pushing their own thoughts onto You.
I am sure all of us can relate in some way to having that dream and hearing such from a loved one. We had someone give up on us as they stopped believing in us, we may have even given up on our own goal or dream. The person stood their supporting us for ages and then suddenly they just stopped or walked away. What happened as a rule a stronger reality got to the person. The person believed in someone else more and so they just walked away.
At times we can have a little dream which we just keep to ourselves and allow to grow, a thought impulse that comes from the universe and allows us to go on to win despite hearing all that opposition. Those who keep on going obtain the knowledge they can write their own check in life, even though they may have no idea how they are going to achieve such.
That idea may be as simple as a wanting to get married and going out there and keeping on going, learning along the way the rules of dating, learning relationships and to build beta relationships to become a beta communicator. Even though we may find those who are unable to believe with their own dream or vision its they keep on going saying I am going to do this.
It may well keep them up day and night how in the world I am going to do such, yet in the end despite their many failures they arrive at their dream goal. They arrive their as they kept on going despite their many failures and the power of their own thoughts as shown by Barnes when wanted to be in business with Eddision that he turned up believing he could be such and went to work as he was determined to do such. His thoughts said I am going to do this.
It may mean getting up early in the morning to attend conference calls or mentoring for free trainings yet when you believe Your going to be able to achieve that life you so desire then its easy for you getting up at 430 am just of a conference call. Its easy to attend the calls, its easy to go to the gym or to do what you need to do when you say this is what I am going to do and I am refusing to stop.
Thanks to Michael and Linda Dlouhy for Your ongoing love, support and encouragement, thanks to my amazing friend and mentor Ken Klemm for your own ongoing love, support and encouragement, thanks to Brian Redding my amazing wonderfulful friend for you own love and support, to my amazing wife Jenny Drake for your own ongoing support love and encouragement thanks for being that amazing loving wonderful wife.
Your friend for life and fellow mentor,
Ben Drake
West Ryde Sydney NSW Australia