When fear has its Grips on you it stops You dead in your tracks from doing and saying what has to be said to someone or even promoting your business by having advertising materials with you. It will stop you from promoting Success in 10 Steps or from contacting those prospects which you have gotten. We have to stop letting fear rule our lives.
Fear can hold can hold us back from helping those we want to or doing what we want to as we listen to the naysayers who may say I want to do this before that. Unless we realize its fear we will be stopped dead. You won’t build that foster home, you won’t be a father owing to fear, nor will you build that team. As Michael Dlouhy our wonderful friend and mentor says “Its none of my business what anyone else thinks of me. Its only my business what I think of myself”. So what would you do, is it really worth You being scared of another’s reaction to what you say or do which has controlled Your life for many years.
Living in fear of hearing that reaction from another person stops you from living as the person You are and the person you want to be. You are giving that person Your power which have done for many years now. Ken Klemm has a wonderful saying that we are having to lock those ghosts of fear up. We have to get rid of such fears and stop letting the fears which we have within our own lives get to us. It’s a task on its own to even realize this is who You are as a person and to say to the world this is who I am and I am comfortable with who I am.
Thank You to Michael and Linda Dlouhy for your constant ongoing love, support, encouragement and being willing to assist and allow me to grow as a person. To Ken Klemm thanks for being that wonderful supportive person who is loving, kind and helpful. To Brian Redding thanks for being that wonderful amazing guy who is willing to assist in anyway he can. To the amazing loving Jenny Drake thanks for being that amazing loving woman, that rock which means more than the stars at night, thank you for being my amazing wife and being willing to share the journey with me.
Have a wonderful day All, I love You all so much and appreciate you so much,
Big hugs,
Ben Drake,
West Ryde NSW Australia