A brilliant lesson from own mentor Michael Dlouhy with getting your prospects on autoship. Such a powerful truth. How To Get Your Network Marketing Prospects On Autoship Key: How Your Company Business Model Drives The Behavior In The Field A huge percentage of successful businesses, both online & offline, offer “autoship.” Autoship – also known […]
Month: July 2015
Fear stops You dead in Your tracks
When fear has its Grips on you it stops You dead in your tracks from doing and saying what has to be said to someone or even promoting your business by having advertising materials with you. It will stop you from promoting Success in 10 Steps or from contacting those prospects which you have gotten. […]
Sixth Sense
Recently when at the gym own sixth sense was telling me about old friends from former gym being at reception and to go and say hello. We must learn to acknowledge those impressions which come from the sixth sense telling us when to do such or to call a particular student. Even to expect their […]
Arnold Schwarzenegger: The New Six Rules – YouTube
A powerful message from Arnold Schwarzenegger: The New Six Rules – YouTube. Such a inspirational start for the week. Have a wonderful week everyone, Ben
Ken Klemm – Florida, USA
A fantastic lesson from Ken Klemm – Florida, USA.