The power of Your own thoughts

The power of Your own thoughts

Spence-Smith-Healthy-LifeWhat You think about constantly is what You draw into Your own life. When You think about health and being healthy, You draw such into Your own life as a person, the opposite is true as well. Personally my own thoughts have been directed towards health for a number of years as well as a number of other projects. Its time to focus on own health more, whist it has been a journey for me, the ultimate goal of being a healthy active father who is out there with own family enjoying that time is what I am aiming for.

To achieve such that means being out there and being healthy, attending the pilaties classes, attending the gym, eating healthy, going to the gym, giving my own body what it needs nutrition wise and knowing what my body does need. After having seen my health improve drastically when I did manage to do such in the past yet only to slip back when I listened to someone who was living in lack. It also means letting go of those limits which I have accepted, whether they have been ones that have been expressed by others or myself. It is time to break those limits and set new limits, breaking away and being able rather than disabled.th2

It means walking away from the lifestyle that I grew up with, along with walking away from those who are living that lifestyle switching off to those limits and pushing myself beyond such. A starting goal is to be off the disability support pension; which have been on for over 4 years now by 31 December 2015. That means working my own business and helping others to improve their health and life, just as the nutrition has impacted own life; sharing how it has impacted my own life; yet also telling stories of those who have changed their own life through improved nutrition and living healthy.

What that means for me is being approachable and also sharing those stories that know, as well as the products which have impacted my own life as well as that of others. At the same time keeping myself healthy, physically active and doing what know is needed to maintain and keep my own health. As I am aware that improving my own health and sharing such results will be what is needed to achieve own success. Getting a result where I am able to share what has impacted own life so much.

I am going to be that healthy tightened, toned and firmth husband and father who other parents and kids want to be around. They are saying he’s hot, yet they also want my own assistance to achieve their own health goals and want to be such too, also living the lifestyle which I am living that I am able to spend what time want with my own family; the husband and father who is happy walking around in athletic clothing regularly and enjoys such, walks into pilaties class confidently knowing that he’s doing what is right for himself.

Swimming, walks, amusement parks, horse riding, pilaties, gym and a healthy lifestyle are just part of what that life does involve. It involves also being physically active and refusing to let the pain stop from doing what I am doing. It means constantly working own health and believing in being that healthy, tightened, toned and firm husband and father.

Thank You to all my wonderful mentors who have guided me on this journey. Thank You to Michael and Linda Dlouhy for Your ongoing support, love and encouragement, yet also for creating this amazing system, to Ken Klemm for being willing to answer questions, as well as guiding me on this journey. Thank You to my amazing, beautiful, loving, sweet, wonderful wife with her heart of gold for Your own ongoing love and support. Wishing You all a wonderful day, a life filled with love.

Hugs to all, I love You all so much,

Ben Drake

West Ryde Sydney NSW Australia

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Learn to create that life of Your Dreams
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
Mentors with a servants heart
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