Desire–how badly do you want such????

Desire, whatever a person wants when they put their Desiresmind to such they will achieve such. Recently whist wanting to pay for the wedding and knowing that the funds would turn up we paid for the wedding. Even now wanting to be a father and knowing that its going to happen. It’s the same with health that have now, it was the result of wanting to change such so much that I happened to keep on working with such.

copia-de-logo-desireWhen a person is motivated by an emotion to achieve a goal and really wants to achieve that goal for any reason then they will find a way to achieve such no matter what it costs. The same applies currently with Jenny and own honeymoon. That I am choosing to go on the honeymoon and choosing that it makes no difference what comes our way or what may occur from others we are going to go on our dream honeymoon to Florida and Hawaii, no one is going to stop us from achieving such. I am going to do whatever it takes to achieve such.

Yes we may be tested and that is ok, yet we’ve paid to go and we are going. There is no way we are stopping now. Desire needs faith and belief to be able to turn such into reality when you believe its going to happen, you find a way to make such happen. desire

Thank you to this powerful mastermind group, to Michael Dlouhy and Ken Klemm for your inspiration and guidance and love. To Jenny Drake for your own love, support and encouragement and standing there no matter what. I love you all so much,

Wishing you all a wonderful life full of love and health, a huge hug and abundant success

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

You can do this also and create a brand new you and life that you want through personal development and becoming a beta person.

You Can Do This Also and You Can Create A Brand New You,
Learn to create that life of Your Dreams
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
Mentors with a servants heart
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