faith and belief within ourselves

faith and belief within ourselves. for years all I was aware of was the religious faith and belief within such that’s how was raised. that’s all knew yet faith isn’t just such, its comes back to total belief you can achieve that goal you are after.

when was regaining health and lost over 35 kilos I believed within own self that I’d be a medium and it happened, when had left one relationship and met Jenny it was deep within self that we’d get married. when applied at wet n wild for the position I believed that I would be successful, all these times have shown own faith and belief within self. its also been own confidence as well, working towards that health goal with Jenny its been well worth it in the end.

it may get frustrating yet its also learning about health as a person, improving own health and becoming the person was intended to be. that was just part of own journey, even lately believing the wedding would be paid as part of the where would be by the 10 feb 2015. faith is switching off to the people who attempt to knock your own dreams even when they make little remarks. for years own faith was tested and unfortunately I let a number of people overpower with fear as own belief was very small in that goal which was seeking.

the time has come to let those go to continue on the road to a healthier lifestyle, to continue on the road to getting married and paying for the wedding with cash, to go on the dream honey moon to florida visiting Disney world, yet also being pregnant and having twins as kids. it’s time to leave those fears behind which have held self back for so long, some of which are lets say quite silly.

So I have been building own faith by using own self talk I am healthy, I am joyfully loving myself, I am joyfully in a relationship, I am joyfully giving through mentoring coaching and support, I am joyful that I have everything that I need, I am very lovable. also with napoleons self confidence formula which have learnt personally and now can recite without needing to read. which is follows….

By the 10 Feb 2015

we will be living a healthy lifestyle, married on mona vale headland on a fantastic sunny day with a light breeze, Jenny looking outstanding in her wedding dress, travelling to Disney World and Florida for our honey moon experiencing all the rides and attractions and what florida has, paying cash for wedding and honey moon. being pregnant with twins, paying cash for what is needed for kids, owning our own home, driving our dream cars, financially independent earning an income from business.

for this we will give the best service of which we are capable of giving as mentors and coaches, helping people to improve their lives and their health. giving back to the community through charities.

we believe we can do this and we have the faith that we can do this, our faith is strong that were able to see ourselves living a healthy lifestyle, married on mona vale headland on a fantastic sunny day with a light breeze, Jenny looking outstanding in her wedding dress, travelling to Disney World and Florida for our honey moon experiencing all the rides and attractions and what florida has, paying cash for wedding and honey moon. being pregnant with twins, paying cash for what is needed for kids, owning our own home, driving our dream cars, financially independent earning an income from business.

when we have faith it comes through within our voice, that we speak energetically and its ok to be ourselves as a person. there is passion rather than none, that’s the power of belief within what you are doing that it projects when you are out there even when a person may start having a go at you for such. It means switching off as Michael says using your own perfect day or moment, personally that’s the day getting married, that’s the day that have own kids.

the question happens to be, is someone out there who is questioning your own decisions which you are listening to and losing faith within your own goals. after learning who would do such I stopped telling those people about what was wanting to do and left them alone, it wasn’t their dream. So how badly do you want what you are after? is it enough to make you feel uncomfortable and to just keep on going through that discomfort knowing life will be beta.

Thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for you loving inspiration guidance and love, to Jenny Harper soon to be Drake, thanks for your own love, inspiration, support and being there for me as needed you.

Wishing you all abundant success, a life full of love, a huge hug,

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 3 faith from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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