confidence when I first came to mentoring for free I was needing to build own confidence, it had been smashed against the rocks and well there was none. during this chapter we are asked to remember back to a point in time when we achieved that goal we were seeking, as soon as this was […]
Month: May 2014
Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived – The Oatmeal
a wonderful article on Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived – The Oatmeal.
Margi Starr, Springfield, Ohio
a very powerful and wonderful lesson from Margi Starr, Springfield, Ohio. on love and emotions using such within own life. thank you so much for your wonderful lesson Margi
Dawn Bennett, Ellsworth, Maine
a very powerful lesson from Dawn Bennett, Ellsworth, Maine on the power of sex transmutation and using that energy from love within your daily life. thanks so much for sharing Dawn.