Belief in yourself and turning something into nothing

A powerful article form Jim Rohn on the power of faith and believing in oneself. To show your dream and vision and making sure that you don’t stop believing in thatdream. This is your own vision of reality and you have to keep it alive, you have to show people that you believe within yourself […]

Success and Failure by Jim Rohn

A wonderful truth from Jim Rohn on success and failure courtesy of the Jim Rohn Newsletter. As Jim states failure is a few errors in judgement every single day,when you correct those errors and change them. Then your own life begins to change as a person. Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn Success/Failure Success […]

Insight of the day quote

A very powerful quote from Debbie Ford courtesy of Insight of the day. “Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you; you only have to become quiet enough to hear them.” Debbie Ford1955-2013, Author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers Your comments and feedback are important to us. What are your […]