Wow what an article from Paul Meyer on doing things now rather than procrastinating as a person. Do It Now!by Paul J. Meyer I have learned both personally and from study that success doesn’t result from luck or random chance. Success never just “happens to the fortunate few.” Instead, achievers make their own opportunities in […]
Year: 2013
SUCCESS – Are you willing to be “All In”?
Wow a powerful lesson from Tuula Rands for Desire from the 30 day Mental Cleanse. Thanks to Russ Aker for sharing.
Remarkable Things : Quotes | Positive Outlooks Blog
Remarkable Things : Quotes | Positive Outlooks Blog.
The keys to greatness
A wonderful article from Jim Rohn on changing our lives and things we are able to do to change our own lives. Thanks Jim for such a powerful article with some powerful keys to greatness. Three Keys to Greatnessby Jim Rohn Awhile back, I went into the studio and created a 56-minute video for teenagers […]
The price to pay!!!!
Wow a powerful article from Jim Rohn’s newsletter on activity vs labour, as Jim States there is always a price to pay no matter what it is. Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn Activity/Labor You must learn to translate wisdom and strong feelings into labor. The miracle of the seed and the soil is […]