You have the strength inside you to succeed

The following is from Brian Tracy’s quote of the day. A very true quote that somewhere deep inside yourself is the strength to succeed and to do whateveris thrown at you to rise above that challenge as a person. “You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can […]

There is a vast difference between failure and temporary defeat. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A powerful quote from Napoleon on that there is more than one rite answer in life to a challenge. We must view the failures as a way to build our own strengthas a person. Defeat is temporary as Napoleon says. We must refuse to give up as when we give up we are saying that […]

Chapter 8 Decision lesson for 30 day mental cleanse

Chapter 8 Decision lesson for 30 day mental cleanse This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 8 Decision of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse. You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at Be a mentor with a servants heart Click here to download our free eBook success in […]

Russ Aker, Portland, OR, USA

Wow what a lesson from Russ Aker, Portland, OR, USA. on the power of decision and making decisions for ourselves. We have to make decisions within our livesregularly and yet as Russ says we do at times let others make those choices for us. Sometimes that person is unable to understand so it doesn’t work […]