The following is a wonderful article from Josh Hinds on your why and why are you here. Do you know what your why is? also being able to see your life as a gift. Also what is the legacy you want to leave for your own family and friends when you pass on? A few […]
Year: 2013
How to approach tough prospects rejection-free.
The following is from Tom Big Al’s newsletter on the power of changing a question around to get your prospects input. How to approach tough prospects rejection-free. On one of our previous MLM Cruises, Richard Brooke, author of "Mach II with Your Hair on Fire" shared this tip. Most distributors will ask a tough prospect […]
Some People Wear Me Out!
The following is from Success in 10 steps by Michael Dlouhy on the power of having a very strong reason why you are doing this business and doing what you are doing. So what is your own why?, why are you here in this world and what were you meant to do with your own […]
Brian Tracy and the 1000% Formula Have Inspired Me! Let This Formula Inspire YOU Too! We're Going to Have a Great 2013! – Mentor Lois
Brian Tracy and the 1000% Formula Have Inspired Me! Let This Formula Inspire YOU Too! We’re Going to Have a Great 2013! – Mentor Lois From Mentor Lois’s blog, a wonderful post with awesome video by Brian Tracy on the power of improving yourself daily, doing personal development and improving yourself over and over and […]
Change or Transformation? – Timi's Blog
Change or Transformation? – Timi’s Blog From Timi’s blog on the power of everything happening for a reason. Whatever you go through has a reason and a purpose. A meaning in your own life, also by changing your words a way that you can transform your life. Your comments and feedback are important to me. […]