Are you thinking like a prospect???

A wonderful quiz from my friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy, can you get these in the correct order. You can email me via be*@be*******.com with your answers. The answers are quite interesting. Now lets see are you thinking like a prospect? In order to succeed in the industry you have to be able to think […]

A powerful story

A truly powerful message to do with discouragement as a person. That people are needing positive encouragement rather than discouragement and when you get that positive encouragement then you can achieve amazing things. However when you are not getting that encouragement at all then you start going downhill and can go into a self pity. […]

Too much truth will make some people madder than too little. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A very interesting quote from Napoleon with relation to honesty, sometimes you need to say a little rather than a lot. Too much truth will make some people madder than too little. | Napoleon Hill Foundation Your comments and feedback are important to us. What are your thoughts? Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the day Be […]

A wonderful quote on success.

What a powerful quote from Jim Rohn, its very true. That success is often doing those small regular things that unsuccessful people are too scared to do. “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. ” — Jim Rohn, Motivational Speaker Your comments and feedback are important to us. What are your thoughts? Brian Tracy quotes […]

It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A very powerful quote from Napoleon about speaking good about others and choosing to stop participating in the negative conversations. It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities. | Napoleon Hill Foundation Your comments and feedback are important to us. What are your thoughts? Napoleon Hill’s […]