1. “Ice Breakers” – How to get your prospects to beg you for a presentation.
2. More rejection isn’t good for you.
3. Five quick headlines to give you some ideas. 
4. Big Al “live” workshop schedule.
5. Dumb … and a whole lot of empty space between the ears.
6. Where are we?
7. Coffee machine chatter.
8. Fat Boy Report.
“Ice Breakers” – How to get your prospects to beg you for a presentation.
Think of the word, “positioning” – and how positioning makes you look stronger when giving a presentation. What appears stronger to your prospects?
1. You asking them for permission to give a presentation, or
2. Them begging you for a presentation?
Obviously we have better positioning when we are asked for a presentation.
You know, you never see doctors calling you up during dinner and asking, “Hey, feel a little sickly? Why not come to my office for an appointment?”
Instead, we call the doctor, and the doctor has better positioning, and we take the doctor’s advice.
So if you want prospects to consistently beg you for a presentation, learn “Ice Breakers” now.
More rejection isn’t good for you.
New distributor: “But I contacted 100 people and only one person wanted to come to a presentation. I hate all this rejection!”
Sponsor: “Great! See what is happening? For every 99 times you are rejected, you get one person to come to a presentation. All you need to do is to talk to more people.”
If you are the distributor getting all this rejection, you’re tired of hearing these rah-rah motivational lessons:
* Every ‘No’ brings you closer to a ‘Yes.’
* Pretend that you are getting paid for every ‘No.’
* They’re not rejecting you; they are just rejecting the opportunity.
Wouldn’t it be easier to learn exactly how to talk to prospects so that there would be no rejection?
Wouldn’t it be more fun to get 50 people to say ‘Yes’ instead of only one person out of 100?
Instead of working harder, and getting more rejection, let’s learn new skills. “Ice Breakers” are excellent new skills that get prospects to come to you. “Word Pictures” are excellent skills to sell prospects immediately. And there are many more skills to learn that will help us.
Feeling motivated? Then take this test and check your sponsoring skills:
If you are going to be a bomb demolition expert, learn the skills. If you are going to be a highly-paid network marketer, learn the skills.
Or join our learning community for coaching, mentoring, and building skills at:
Five quick headlines to give you some ideas. 
* “Are you going the wrong way to success?”
* “Stay at home and double your salary.”
* “Leave your fat friends behind.”
* “Life was made for traveling – earn a free vacation.”
* “Does a two-day work week fit your schedule?”
“Big Al” Workshop Schedule.
Discover the exact magic words and phrases to get your ideas across to your prospects, rejection-free.
Houston, TX Monday January 6, 7pm-10pm
Dallas, TX Tuesday January 7, 7pm-10pm
Birmingham, England Special event with Big Al and co-speaker Bernie De Souza Tuesday January 21, 7pm-10pm
London, England Wednesday January 22, 7pm-10pm
Los Angeles, CA area Saturday January 25, 6pm-9pm
To register online, go to:
(and go to the bottom of the page) or call (281) 280-9800.
Want a Big Al workshop in your area in Spring 2014?
Learn and practice the skills “live.” 
Just fill out this request form at:
Dumb … and a whole lot of empty space between the ears.
Burglars have it all wrong.
They break into a rich person’s house, ignore the books and CDs in the library, and then steal the DVD player and the big screen television.
How do the rich become rich? From their libraries. And then they can afford the DVD player and the big screen television.
So for Christmas, buy a gift that will be an investment in your future. There are plenty of motivational and inspirational CDs and books that will help with personal development. And there are plenty of skill resources also.
The best investment you can make is in yourself.
Where are we???
Check out the picture, make your guess.
Go to:
Last week’s location:
Brasov, Romania.
Coffee machine chatter.
Ask your co-worker, “What do you think the owner of this business knows that we don’t know?”
That will start the conversation about owning our own business.
If you want 2014 to be different, you will have to learn new skills. Get the entire Big Al Library of 40 CDs of skills.
Or, you could put it off for one more year. 
Fat Boy Report.
Want to burn a couple of extra calories? Forward this newsletter to a friend.
And here is how to control your “cookie weight” during the holidays. You are only allowed one cookie for every new person you contact about your business. And if you gain weight, it means you are prospecting instead of being passive and letting the holidays slip by.
More next issue!
Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter Fortune Network Publishing PO Box 890084 Houston, TX 77289 USA http://www.FortuneNow.com