Network marketing is about relationships

Network Marketing is about relationships and building know, like and trust with that person. When you start to manipulate a person or bully sleaze and lie about such then you end up in a very bad position. The following is a mentoring for free training on such from my awesome mentors Michael Dlouhy, you can download our free eBook here.

For most of us, cold calling is extremely unpleasant because you’re uninvited, and they’re busy, and you need something, and they don’t. Ask yourself: Does anybody get up in the morning thinking, “Boy, I’ve got a very busy day today. I hope at least a dozen people call on me today trying to sell me stuff or set up appointments to sell me stuff.”

Many will buy books and tapes that teach dozens of ways to bully, sleaze, and lie their way into their prospect’s heads. But in the end, you are still an uninvited pest. Not fun to be with and not fun to have to deal with. Is it any wonder that your prospects are always “out” or “in the shower”?

Because cold calling is so unpleasant, most salespeople devise dozens of time-wasting techniques to avoid doing it. Meticulous activity logs. Endless “research” on the Web. “Networking” or should I say gossip calls with other struggling friends. Calling people you know will be unavailable and not leaving a voice mail. Filling out time management tools. Counting their paperclips and organizing their office. (Don’t laugh, it happens all the time!).

Does this approach make a person better?

Does it benefit the prospect? Anyone?

What’s missing?

To answer these questions, you need to get the Color To Success CD Training. In it, you will discover ways to get the prospects to raise their hands and say “Yes”. You will be shown the most important factor when calling prospects, and much, much more.”

What a powerful lesson from Michael Dlouhy on attempting to force yourself into a prospects mind with your pitch or approach does it work no way. You are as Michael says an uninvited guest who has become a pest. However when you stop doing such and get to know people and only want to help them then you start to build that know like and trust with them as a person.

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

Mentors with a servants heart

Does making a living interfere with living your life????

Click here to download our free eBook success in 10 steps

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