What kind of example are you setting????

What kind of example are you setting????

A good question people need to ask themselves regularly is what kind of example am I setting for others???? Are you setting a good example with health, finanichial, diet or a poor example. Having seen a number of people setting a poor example of their diet, owing to being unaware of ways to change such; yet changing your diet and your health take commitment and work to achieve.

There are people out there who set a wonderful example of a life to live by. They go out there and care about others as a person and show their love. They project the love and passion and caring for others. This is a fantastic example for people to follow a positive good example this is the best example to follow. There are some people out there who you wouldn’t even know what they do, who they are as a person. They may be a success as a person and you are unaware.

You wouldn’t even know they were successful owing to how they dress. These people dress casually and you may be unable to tell who they are as a person. The flip side of the coin is those people who demonstrate that they really don’t care, they rarely discipline their kids. The question to ask is are my habits setting a good example or a bad example???? – in all areas of life which includes finichial, health, diet, eating, driving, music, reading, tv everything. We are a product of our choices and habits, yes habits do take at least 30 days to fully change. However they can be changed.

Are you working to save for a goal, yet spend all the money???? How are you able to save for that goal when you spend all the money. Do you want to lose weight yet eat takeaway and junk food daily – such as chips, softdrinks, ice cream, chocolate cake, fast food????

Our example and habits will project onto those who are closest to us, just as our own thoughts as a person. This happens with our kids especially, they pick up on the habits of those around them. It takes being aware of those habits which need work and changing which is the first thing, however this can take work and discipline. When growing up it was always a battle for parents with finances, there was always too much to pay at the end of the month for what came in and they kept on digging themselves worse and worse. Pay off the credit card and a couple of months later it would be back at high again.

This habit projected onto my siblings and myself, these days own parents still struggle to survive with what they make. They struggle to pay their bills on time as they have been overcommitted for years and not knowing any better it became my own personal reality. I just failed to realise anything at all different, yet I was also unaware that my grandparents who lived on the same property were able to do the exact opposite to what parents were doing.

They saved their money, they put away for their funerals, they put money away as they could for the future. Yet parents were struggling, two different situations and methods of thinking and examples. Being unaware of what my own grandparents were doing I took on the habits of my own parents which was never having enough money. This stemmed into own life.

It was the same with the family diet, it became less and less healthy over the years as fast food began to creep in and less and less exercise was known within the family circle. Also a lot more soft drinks began to come own way and that ment more sugar within own diet. Being an emotional eater that just ate rather than express self it turned into a bad situation. Also own mum no longer made the time to cook healthy meals for the family so we’d just eat quick and easy meals.

Also exercise wasn’t encouraged as own parent’s weren’t motivated to be active and exercise. Now how can you expect a child to take on exercise when it isn’t demonstrated to them???? These days my own mum is a diabetic and her diet still needs work, aswell as exercise to get such undercontrol. Yet there is little desire to change such.

When I was first told about losing weight or facing the consequences I heard diabeties in own mind and wanting to stop from heading down the same road as own mum did. It has taken years to be able to achieve the health improvements which I have managed over the years. However the question remains what kind of example are you setting for others???? Are you setting a good example as a person or a poor example?

When first met Jenny I was very picky about eating as well as could, months later Jenny said that she’d go to herself what would Ben do???? When faced with a choice of what to eat. I had already made some quite big changes to own diet at that point, barely any soft drinks, barely any fast food. As you can see such tends to rub off on people you are around most, that you become someone who they say now what would this person do. Yet we must remember our own influence is rubbing off on those all around us as a person.

I’d like to thank my amazing mentors Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for their amazing insperation guidence and love, your support encouragement and believing in me.

Bellow are photos taken of Ben before getting serious about weight and health. Along with a current photo.

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

Mentors with a servants heart

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