Chapter 15 how to outwit the six ghosts of fear personal lesson

Chapter 15 How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear Take inventory of yourself as you read this closing chapter. Fear happens to be such a strong emotion which only takes hold within our own minds. There is a battle which we have to face within ourselves and that is to lock up these ghosts […]

Life Lessons

Wow what a Friday story with a fantastic example on seeing something as a privilege as a person. Yet it is a wonderfullife lesson for so many people. I feel privileged to have such a wonderful friend and mentor as Michael Dlouhy, KenKlemm and Willena Flewelling. Yet to also have such wonderful training from mentoring […]

Are you prepared to pay the price you have to pay for what you want in life?

Are you prepared to pay the price you have to pay for what you want in life? A lot of people are unaware just what sacrifices a person has made in order to achieve their goal, dream or desire. A person sees someone who is successful and yet they are unaware of what that person […]

A powerful lesson on relationship building and know like and trust

A powerful fantastic video from Kirsty Spraggon on relationships and building them. This is applicable within every area of our own lives,in network marketing we are trained to sell as a person. Yet you need to build that relationship with someone of know like and trust asown mentor Michael Dlouhy says. When you build that […]