Are you prepared to pay the price you have to pay for what you want in life?

Are you prepared to pay the price you have to pay for what you want in life?

A lot of people are unaware just what sacrifices a person has made in order to achieve their goal, dream or desire. A person sees someone who is successful and yet they are unaware of what that person needed to do just to get to where they were as a success. Often in order to achieve any goal or dream there has to be some form of sacrifice for such to be achieved. You have to be prepared to give something up in order to achieve that goal which you are working towards. It’s the same thing within business, relationships and all throughout life.

In order to get what you want are you prepared to give and pay the price until…. sometimes it may take weeks, months or years of work to achieve that desired goal. Are you are prepared to work that long? Are you prepared to work on yourself until you finally do get the goal and success you wanted to achieve? To work towards that goal until you achieve such no matter how long it takes? There are many people out there who have kept on going despite great failures.

They may have struck out with relationships and been unable to find the right person until they were in their mid-30’s. Yet they spent years learning to become that person who was wonderful at relationships, they spent years doing what they could to learn ways to create that relationship which they sought most.

Are you prepared to give up what may be years of your life to simply go out there and continue to learn to work on obtaining that which you are seeking until you finally get what you want?. You may go through thousands of failures just like Thomas Edison who learnt many times the way to create a light bulb. Edison saw the failed light bulbs as ways of not successfully creating a successful light bulb until he finally did manage to come up with the solution. What you need to do is remember that it may take years to achieve that success which you desire as a person. You will be tested as to whether you want that which you desire most badly enough to keep on going despite so many obstacles life throws at you.


In todays world people are looking for the instant fix, the quick fix. We have been programmed that you can have it so quickly that you snap your fingers and hey presto a new car comes, however often it takes a lot of work. There are some companies out there that say you can have the big incomes, yet they really fail to advise people that you need to do the work to achieve such too. They say you can earn a six figure income, yet may fail to say you need to work to become worth that income first.

In todays society people believe there is such as I am able to get such rite now, the quick fix. However sadly this is untrue, so the best question to be asked is are you prepared to give up your time and learn the way to become a success in whatever you want to achieve within your own life. Will you do that or do you just want it all to be fixed up for you right now????

Sure each person has something different that they are wanting to achieve, in order to achieve that goal they are needing to do something which will mean paying a price in someway, to allow for such to happen. That was what my own family dynamic was like. I was in the family home, assisting my own family within their daily lives yet also unable to live own life as a person. So that price was leaving a family which I loved to start own family, leaving it and them behind.

It is still a learning curve after leaving the nest 3 months ago now, yet every day you learn and find out what is working as a person and what isn’t. Yes there are some big areas to work on and some small areas to work on too as a person. It has been worth it in the long term. Long term I learnt so much from living with my parents and siblings about the type of person who I want to be. The type of parent that I want to be and who I am as a person. Everyone who I have met throughout the years has shown me more about who I wanted to be as a person. That father, husband and parent who sets the best example for his family and who can go on holidays with family when he wants to.

The ultimate price to pay for such is owning own mind and relearning what needs to be relearned. Yet it also about being comfortable with what talents and abilities you already have right now. Over the years I have had the chance to sponsor kids and to impact their lives too, that is the price of making a difference within someone else’s life through giving to a charity and seeing that life grow and change as you continue to support them.

Ultimately to see something change you have to pay the price and do something about such, weather it means leaving the nest to start your own family just as I had personally done or going from having a good income to living within your means. Yet are you prepared to pay that price in order to achieve that goal and dream as a person. Are you happy to pay that price and keep on paying it. Sometimes you are needing to do something that you may be unaware of or have yet to really do. That may be what is holding you back as a person.

I’d like to thank my amazing mentors Michael Dlouhy , Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for their amazing awesome guidance and guiding me on the journey.From

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

Mentors with a servants heart

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