Without your health

Without Your Health

In life one of the major things is a persons health, yet there are so many people who struggle with such. There are a variety of reasons for such, yet it comes back to still using the same habits to combat the same issue which created such. Say you want to get your weight under control is it really going to get under control when you are inactive and don’t do much exercise???? Which is the direction that a lot of people seem to be in. They work what they are doing, yet fail to take care of their own health. There is sure diets which allow for you to lose weight, yet you put such back on again as there has been no true change to your own diet or what you do.

A person is unable to maintain any form of health improvement without changing their habits. This includes diet and thought habits, as when you change the diet your thoughts will somehow sabotage you on the progress for obtaining such a goal. The best way to change such is a two pronged approach, to work on your belief that you deserve such, yet also changing your diet at the same time. The way you can do such is through having someone who believes you can do such and is willing to give you what support they can to achieve the goal.

For years I would struggle with own health owing being unaware of what proper eating habits were, having grown up in an environment where there was a lot of fast food and convenience food available, so was unable to learn about the healthy choices as a person. The people who was around most didn’t take care of their own health, so they passed such on. It wasn’t until after being told that needed to lose weight that started to truly learn about a healthy diet and what it consists of. These days I have managed to learn more about a healthy diet, yet still do forget at times the simple things such as doing some excercises or suppliments. It’s a work in progress.

Yet without taking care of your own health are you really going to be able to do those things that are important to yourself????. The question is what is so important to you????, what is motivating you to do what you do rite now????, is there some event????, is there someone who has hurt you????, or have you just failed to learn those rite ways to eat healthy and unable to work out what is best to do such????

There are many ways to get your health back under control. Some include a walk daily and gradually building such up to a longer period. Starting off walking for even 10 to 15 minuites and doing that a couple of times a day. That is the best thing, start where you are and gradually build upon such. Everyone sees the people who have struggled all their life with their health, at times they need to know someone truly cares about them. There are also the people who had their health and suddenly its gone, they start getting unwell all owing to having been unable to do what it took to maintain their health as a person. They didn’t excercsie enough and then they have diabeties, suffer from a heart attack or a stroke, they failed to take care of themselves and suddenly their health catches up on them.

The ones who have struggled all their life need to meet that caring person who really won’t leave their side. They need that love caring and support as a person. Sometimes they need to know that they are cared about by someone who sees them as a important person to them. That can take work and patience showing someone that they mean the world to you, yet its worth it.

Yet the main thing is without your health can you truly do everything that you wanted to do in life???? The answer is within yourself… as a good friend and wonderful mentor once said…. “In order to change your health and life you have to change some habit”. In order to change that habit you need to make a sacrifice and be prepared to work on those new habits, what are you willing to do to make that change in health that you need to do so that you are able to achieve that goal or dream or what you are working for as a person.

What is there that is most important to you…. That you would do anything to make happen, even though it may mean your own life in the end. Without that passion and health you may well be unable to see your goal or dream come to reality. There are many ways that you can change your health and your life and your thoughts, its important to take the first step to do such. The best thing is to get into action as my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy says. It doesn’t matter what type of action, so long as its action in the right direction.

I would like to thank my wonderful friends and mentors Michael Dlouhy, Willena Flewelling, Ken Klemm for their amazing insperation, guidence, love, support, encouragment for believing within me until I was able to believe in myself as a person.

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