The Sun, The Moon, The Stars, The Universe, & Your Prospect’s Head

Michael Dlouhy offers some very powerful insight into a prospects thinking. That every prospect has a lot of choices, weather it is to do with business
or even with Network Marketing, even a relationship. You have to show that prospect that you are someone who they want to work with and that means
focusing on who you want to assist, helping those people and becomming a expert.

The Sun, The Moon, The Stars, The Universe, & Your Prospect’s Head

Your prospects have a ton of choices. How do they compare and evaluate?

It’s tough. They talk about quality. But usually, they can’t tell which is better. Opportunities, products, & testimonials look and sound similar.

So quality differences are hard to measure. But perception differences are real & measurable. If prospects perceive that you know exactly what you are doing, exactly where you are going, and that you care about their success, then you will get more than your share of people to work with.

Good people want to work with good people for a good company.

The finer your focus, the more power YOU will develop, because you will be per- ceived as … and will become … an expert. The cream of the crop.

From Success in 10 Steps written by my good friend and personal mentor Michael Dlouhy,

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

Mentors with a servants heart

Does making a living interfere with living your life????

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