If you are a shepherd, be the best and you may live to own the flock. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A wonderful post from Napoleon hill on leading people and being the best at what you do as a person. When you are the best you can be as a person,then amazing things happen. If you are a shepherd, be the best and you may live to own the flock. | Napoleon Hill Foundation. Your […]

Help yourself before helping others

Kym Kiyosaki makes a strong point in the following article that you need to invest in something you are passionate about as a person. Some peopleneed to invest in kids, some people in homes, some people in other things it’s a matter of investing in what you are interested in as a person. As Kym […]

Environmental programming

A powerful story from Tom “Big Al” Schreiter on the power of programming and things being done such way. A persons beliefs can be often owing tothat a person is used to doing something a certain way or its an ingrown habit. Tom “Big Al” Schreiter here. This classic story of “5 Apes & Banana” […]

Opportunity often knocks — only to find no one in. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A wonderful reminder from Napoleon Hill on getting into action, you need to get out there and do something about it. As Napoleon Hill States, often  opportunitywill find no one home when it knocks. Quite often a person has to get out there and just do things rather than wishing to have it done, they […]