How to Finally Have Success in Network Marketing! | Above All Success

A fantastic post from David Haines on ways to finally be successful in network marketing with some very powerful truths. David Haines really hits home on creating a list of friends and family. That you have to stop promoting to people who may not believe in such.Its about sharing your product with someone who believes […]

Personal lesson from chapter 15 how to outwit the six ghosts of fear

Chapter 15 How to outwit the six ghosts of fear Take inventory of yourself as you read this closing chapter and find out how many of the “Ghosts” are standing in your way. Wow what a chapter which served as reminder about many things. Yet the main thing which really struck upon reading this chapter […]

The greatest of all success rules is this: do unto others as you would if you were the others. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

What a powerful post from Napoleon Hill on the power of doing to others what you want done to yourself. That you will eventually see it’s rewards. The greatest of all success rules is this: do unto others as you would if you were the others. | Napoleon Hill Foundation. Your comments and feedback are […]

A Whole Lotta Connivin’ Goin’ On

A powerful section from my good friend and personal mentor Michael Dlouhy’s book success in 10 steps on greed and ego, that a downline will collapseowing to the greed and ego of a person. Yet a true leader is someone who has a servants heart, who serves people and helps others out. As Michael Dlouhy […]