How to relate to people Part 2

How to relate to people Part 2

Who do you know that…..

Here is a continuation from who do you know and how to relate to people part one? Which was written a few weeks ago which can befound here.

A bit more about the yellow and blue personalities before moving onto the other two personality styles.

The yellows are indirect. They will answer your questions that they are open and willing to answer the questions however they will wait for someone else to take control of the chat. They will stop and think shortly and will have a quitter voice.

The yellows will dress casually wearing jeans, track suit, with sandles, thongs or simular, they are very casual people, The yellows make up approximately 35% of the population.

The blues are direct, they are always talking and as my mentor Michael Dlouhy says they tend to have gills that they don’t shut up. They will just keep on talking and talking and talking, they will answer your questions and provide more than you asked for. They will always even direct the conversation, you will often find them always selling.

You may even have to fight to get a word in with them as a person or interrupt them. That is just how they talk, they talk over people. The blues will tend to wear shorts, they will also wear at times a hawian shirt and it doesn’t matter to them. The blues make up 15% of the population

The openness is a persons willing ness to answer your questions.

Lets look at the other personalities.

The next colour is very logical, very analytical and enjoys the peace and quite. They love to spend time within their own mind, they enjoy nothing more than the sound of silence all around them. They won’t answer questions as easily as a open person would and as my mentor Michael Dlouhy say’s its like pushing a wet roap up a hill. Now that means you struggle to get anything out of the person, ask them a question they answer it and may either avoid the answer. Give you no answer or give you a little bit.

These people enjoy doing all the research, they love to go through all the links on a website. You have a lot of links and they will go through such. They will go to every single link and visit it, they will listen to the audios and review it all.

These people struggle with relationships, however they find it very hard to relate to people. They can be hard to find on the phone, even rarely pick up the phone. These people use big words which make you go huh. What does that word mean, they expect everything to exact and perfect, to be neat and tidy.

Spelling and grammer, has to be the rite way. No spelling mistakes, no mistakes at all really, they believe they are perfect and that mistakes are a weakness. When they are a learning experience as a rule.

They tend to be very good at maths, do roles such as accounting, engineering, computers, they will build things and design things. You will often find a pen in their pocket or handbag and will dress smartly. Normally wearing a shirt with a collar.

The greens will pause to answer your question and enjoy the dead air space on the conversation. Your on the other end of the phone and its silent at their end whist their doing something and they hear someone talking or hear a person moving things around, they hear the curtains closing or getting a diary out and they may say what are you doing.

At times I have been talking to someone whos a green and have been getting out a diary to write down an appointment so don’t forget it. When they hear the draw close after getting such they will turn around and say what are you doing. My answer is getting out my diary to write the appointment down otherwise it will slip my own mind and I have seen that happen many times, so will write it down and put a reminder within own phone to remind me about that appointment. The greens tend to admit they are not struggeling.

Now the greens make up 35% of the population

Now for the last personality the reds, the direct and self contained people.

Like the greens the people are self contained and will not answer the questions, they will give no personal information at all. Yet they are direct like the blue, they control the chat. Yet theytend to have huge ego, which is often me, me, me. This is what I did, this is how good I am, it’s never about the team. Its all about them, they tend to be very commanding. Saying things like “I am old enough to be your father. Now do what you are told”.

Now these guys are massisvely direct and have to be in control and in charge. They will not admit they are struggeling at all, they have voices which command authority and when they pick up the phone they can expect you to pitch them on your latest deal. They are the natural leaders, the natural managers, natural ceos, they are often the ceos of the company, the assistant managers and love the authority and power that they can get from something.

In the next blog post we will cover more on the personalities. Please note this is from training received from mentoring for free, that everyone will always have pieces of these in them however they will have a dominant personality.

Thank you to mentoring for free for their training on a persons personality and how you can relate to that person.


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