Opportunity comes in disguise

A very true and powerful quote from Henry Ford on people getting ahead, some of them see the adversity and don’t bother going ahead. They fail to seethat opportunity which is lying rite before their eyes. They then waste their time when others have found a way to get ahead as a person. “It has […]

Create those wonderful relationships with people from know, like and trust.

A wonderful article on peoples personalities as a person and learning to create that rapport with them as a person, creating that know, like and trust with a person andbeing willing to listen to a person. Understanding where they are coming from and create that bond with people. Can you do such?, how are you […]

We don’t learn from people until we know they care

A powerful lesson from Michael Josephson on the power of not learning or being willing to learn from a teacher or a mentor until we know that person really cares about us as a person. Teachers and Tornadoes Once I got past the awe of witnessing Mother Nature’s astonishing power to wreak devastation in Oklahoma, […]

A mind ill with negative attitudes is more dangerous than a sick body, for its sickness is always contagious. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

Wow what a quote from Napoleon Hill on our own attitude as a person. We have to walk away from those with a negative attitude. A mind ill with negative attitudes is more dangerous than a sick body, for its sickness is always contagious. | Napoleon Hill Foundation. Your comments and feedback are important to […]

If life hands you a lemon, don’t complain, but instead make lemonade to sell to those who are thirsty from complaining. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A powerful saying from Napoleon Hill on turning things around when you come against adversity as a person. Just keep on going and find a way to do such. If life hands you a lemon, don’t complain, but instead make lemonade to sell to those who are thirsty from complaining. | Napoleon Hill Foundation. Your […]