Get into action!!!!

A powerful section from Michael Dlouhy’s success in 10 steps on what happens when you train people to do nothing what will you get???,
quite often you get nothing from that person. The person may be scared of the work that is involved in order to accomplish something
yet believe that they should be paid no matter what they do. Quite often this leads to the welfare mentality.

As Michael Dlouhy does say the best thing is to just leave those people alone. You need to be in action to get the job done.

Your Ex-Spouse Was An Optimist

OK. Listen. I’m NOT talking to you here. But just be still and listen in anyway.

See, I’m talking to the guy who downloaded this e-book right after you. HIS ex- spouse told him he probably was being a little unrealistic (not her exact words, but that’s the gist) pinning his future financial hopes on a company that promised him:

He wouldn’t have to work – it would all be done for him.
He wouldn’t have to actually deal with and recruit any yucky people – his group would be built automatically through “spillover.”
He wouldn’t have to sell – his people who spilled over would do that.
He could get rich just by clicking his mouse.
And other than that, all he’d have to do is deposit the checks!

In fact, our boy’s ex-spouse actually went so far as to imply that if a person is lazy, greedy & gullible, they probably don’t have a bright fu- ture in business.

She was right, of course. But that’s only half the story.

In some cases, it’s actually sincere people who make those offers, because they’re so afraid nobody will join them if they know there’s actual WORK in- volved. When you train people to do nothing but wait for you to do it for them, you wind up with people who do EXACTLY what you’ve trained them to do… nothing!

OK. Enough of that. It doesn’t apply to YOU, anyway. Let’s get on to the evalua- tion.

This formula has 5 parts.

Each is important. Here they are, in order of “easiest to evaluate.”

From Success in 10 Steps written by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy,

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