Personal lesson for chapter 14 the sixth sense

Personal Lesson for mental cleanse chapter 14 This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 14 the sixth sense from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse. Your comments and feedback are important to us. What are your thoughts? You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at Be a mentor with […]

Those who will not take a chance seldom have one thrust upon them. | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A powerful quote from Napoleon Hill on those who rarely take chances will rarely find any form of success. Yet those who do will often get success from life.How very true that the people who are unprepared to take those chances are going to barely have the life they dreamed of. Whist those who do […]

You have to be prepared to make mistakes as a person.

What a powerful quote from George Bernard Shaw courtosy of the Brian Tracy quote of the day. That we must be prepared to make a fool of ourselves and learn,we have to be prepared to stuff up. To make mistakes in order to learn and grow as a person or we will remain stuck. You […]

Discouragement | Napoleon Hill Foundation

A powerful post on continuing with something when others are discouraging you from doing such.As Napoleon Hill states what people do not see is the silent power which comes to the rescue of those who fight on in the face of discouragement. Discouragement | Napoleon Hill Foundation. Your comments and feedback are important to us. […]