Problems and problem solving

A wonderful article from Jim Rohn on problem solving, you need to sit down and solve all the problem before you can do anything else about such.
As Jim States in the article getting to the moon is two problems on its own, the first is the way to get there and the 2nd the way to return. Sometimes
a problem may have more than one part.

Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn

Problem Solving

To solve any problem, there are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, whom could I ask?

The real problem is usually two or three questions deep. If you want to go after someone’s problem, be aware that most people aren’t going to reveal what the real problem is after the first question.

Neil Armstrong once said, “You only have to solve two problems when going to the moon: first, how to get there; and second, how to get back. The key is don’t leave until you have solved both problems.”

Never attack a problem without also presenting a solution.

The best place to solve a problem is on paper.

“Vitamins for the Mind” is a weekly sampling of original quotes on a specific topic taken from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn. The burgundy hardbound book with gold-foil lettering is a collection of more than 365 quotes on 60 topics gathered from Jim’s personal journals, seminars and books and spanning more than 40 years.
Click here to order “The Treasury of Quotes.”

From Jim Rohn’s newsletter on problem solving

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