Having a system that works.

The following is from my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy on a system which works for you and will help you build your business. When the system work well and is
duplicateable then it helps everyone in your business to become a success. Using a system that works will really help people to become better at their business. When you
use a system that is easy and duplicatable then your chances of success improve.

A System That Works

Again … you need to do lead generation, prospect follow-up, sponsoring and training. If you can do them all with one system, so much the better. If your company or group does not provide systems to accomplish these actions, you will absolutely have to set them up yourself. It’s a lot easier to go someplace where they’re already established.

You can have a lead generation system that brings ONLY the most qualified people into your group. Then I’ll train them FREE, 5 nights a week, to build relationships and be- come Top Sponsors who will build YOU a lifetime residual income!

How does this work?

1. Get visitors to your website (see step 2 for your website).

There are a ton of ways to get visitors to your site. If you can’t spend money on traffic generation, that’s OK. Many effective traffic generation methods are free.

And even if you can afford to buy all the traffic you’ll ever need, many of your reps won’t be able to. So you are best to start NOW learning how to generate traffic at zero or very low cost. There’s a good tutorial, listing several traffic gen- erators, giving you exact steps to get started.

2. Look at the website


This is our opt-in page where people can order THIS e-book. The page is de- signed to appeal to people who want to make money from home, and who are readers. In my experience, Leaders are Readers.

Your website has only one objective: capture contact information. So signing up is the ONLY option a person has when they get to your site.

A lead that is a reader is far more likely to have long-term success than most other leads you get.

For only $19.95 a month, you can have your own Success In 10 Steps website to drive traffic to. The resulting leads will go right to you.

3. What To Do With Your Leads

I do a live, generic MLM training call 5 nights a week.

No company is EVER mentioned on these calls.
No products are EVER discussed.

You can bring your lead phone numbers to that call, and you and I will call them together. You’ll hear exactly what to say. We’ll establish that they’re definitely looking for a good way to make extra money from home. Then we’ll set a time for you to call them back to talk more in depth about YOUR opportunity.

You’ll get to listen in while I work with other callers, talking to their leads, too.

You must register and reserve your spot to listen in on this call. Call me at: +61421464549

4. How to Sponsor Them Into Your Opportunity

Refer back to Chapter 5. Above all else, to be successful in sponsoring people, you need to understand people. You need to listen to them. You need our Colors Training. I can’t stress how critical this is to your success. Get the Colors Training CD at:


And you will be able to make an offer to your people that’s very difficult to refuse – namely, OUR offer:

You can have a lead generation system that brings ONLY the most qualified people into your group. Then I’ll train them FREE, 5 nights a week, to build relationships and be- come Top Sponsors who will build YOU a lifetime residual income!

Yes, we just plug your people right into our training system, and the cycle be- gins again.

This is what you call a “Greased Chute”. Step 1 flows smoothly into Step 2. Step 2 into Step 3. Step 3 into Step 4. Step 4 into Step 1.

And so on and so on. The term “greased chute” means there are NO bumps along the way. No impediments, nothing whatsoever to even slightly slow the flow of a prospect from one step to the next. To be long-term successful, you MUST have a “greased chute” marketing system for your opportunity. I love ours because it offers total training in the skills of working with people, so that you get better and better … and your people can plug into exactly the same system, making it far easier for you to help them as you gain more & more experience.

From Michael Dlouhy’s Success in 10 steps. A powerful section on working with your team and the new prospects. Learning to become a success in network marketing as a person.

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Click here to download our free eBook success in 10 steps


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