Do it now!!!!

Wow what an article from Paul Meyer on doing things now rather than procrastinating as a person.

Do It Now!
by Paul J. Meyer

I have learned both personally and from study that success doesn’t result from luck or random chance. Success never just “happens to the fortunate few.” Instead, achievers make their own opportunities in business and in life by doing more than daydreaming or vaguely desiring.

They possess a “Do it now!” attitude that motivates them to take actions required to soar above the rest and bridge the gap between their dreams and reality.

Through the ages, philosophers, heads of state, commanding generals, athletes, and businesspeople – leaders and go-getters of all types – have tried to kindle the flame of imagination and light the fire of enthusiasm so that the people can glimpse the heights they might reach, the richness of rewards they might savor, and the happiness they might enjoy.

The early Greek philosopher Plato said that if people would move the world, they must first move themselves. This statement offers one of the enduring truths of all time. To accomplish any personally meaningful and productive result, translate all of your ideas, your plans, and your decisions into immediate action.

The worst handicap any person can possess is the insidious habit of procrastination. Procrastination is responsible for missed opportunities, low productivity, and general dissatisfaction with life.

The most brilliant, the most important decision, or the biggest prospective sale you will ever make will happen only when you TAKE ACTION and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Adopt a spark and fire of urgency, and you can turn your dreams and goals into reality! 
A Do-It-Now attitude and self-generated urgency are universally available, and are the keys to success in your particular kind of business. Anyone—including you—can become so motivated that you reach and surpass – important life goals. The intensity of desire you develop depends on YOU; others cannot supply it for you.

I have been credited with starting the self-improvement industry. I know it inside out, forward and backward. I have written about it, and have lived it. And because I care about you, I want desperately in some way to help you achieve.

But the truth is, the intensity of desire you develop depends on YOU and YOU ALONE – no one else can supply it for you.

You can’t be an achiever just because a family member was successful, or because your friends are successful business people. And although you can have mentors who give you guidance, they cannot succeed for you.

It is strictly in your hands. You are the only one responsible for your success.

SO. . .

Exercise initiative!
Always set goals.
Always put your plans in writing with specific deadlines.
Determine the time frames you will work.
Then not only take action, but take INTELLIGENT, RIGHT ACTION and proceed with unswerving singleness of purpose!

Adopt a DO IT NOW attitude, because: NOW IS THE TIME TO SUCCEED!

From Jim Rohn’s newsletter

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