The Power of Good Advice

A wonderful article from Robert Kiyosaki on the power of getting the advice from the rite people who are qualified to give that advice. When you want to build a house
do you go to someone who has studied building a house or do you go to someone who has built houses? Its a matter of learning from those who have the rite advice and
has been there. Yet also paying someone for that rite advice too, some people are unable to understand that going to that rite person will be a great big help. Although
that advice may cost more, its ultimately that the person who is giving the advice is there to assist you to make more as it will help them.

The question comes back to are you studying from those people who are giving you good advice or bad advice? Are you growing or declining from that persons advice?
There are some people who may not have the advice or qualifications to give that advice you need as a person.

The Power of Good Advice.

From Robert Kiyosaki’s

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