A wonderful quiz from my friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy, can you get these in the correct order. You can email me via be*@be*******.com with your answers. The answers are quite interesting. Now lets see are you thinking like a prospect? In order to succeed in the industry you have to be able to think like your prospect.
Now it’s time for My Quiz For You
My mentor, Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, has traveled the world promoting his MLM business. He’s discovered what prospects consider most important in deciding on a company.
Rate these items yourself, from 1 to 10, most important to least important.
I strongly encourage you to REALLY do this exercise. It will take maybe 5 min- utes. Then I’ll give you the REAL answers from prospects around the world.
And if you discover THEIR thinking is radically different from YOUR thinking … well, that could explain a lot!
One more thing: #1 in this poll won by a LANDSLIDE. It wasn’t even close. So it should be real easy for YOU to get #1 right. Right?
Let’s do it!
Get your pen. Here’s the list:
Company literature shown
Marketing plan and potential earnings
Training provided
Who gave the presentation
Product line
Company management experience
Up-line support
Company image
Sales kit provided
Being first in your areaNow just list those down from 1 to 10, most important to least important, from the prospect’s point of view.
Do it now.
The key question is, “Are you thinking like a prospect?
From Success in 10 Steps written by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy,
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