Trust is the key to any relationship

The following is from Michael Dlouhy’s ebook success in 10 steps, on the power of trust and how trust works in MLM. People have to know like and trust you to want to be around you as a person, when they do well things happen to work out. Yet without that trust there is no relationship at all. People don’t believe in you as a person. Trust is always the key to any relationship.

There is a wonderful book the speed of trust by Stephen M. R. Covey which does help you to build your trust level up.

The Good News

The good news is all the bad news opens a huge opportunity for you.

Now … you must TRULY desire to help others.

You can’t fake it. You either have it or you don’t. People know. Truly caring about others breaks down barriers. As Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want.”

Trust is the emotion of network marketing. You have to earn it. It comes from consistently doing what’s best for your people.

So first, you need people. You must get very good at building personal relation- ships.

We can help. This ebook is a great place to start learning.

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy,

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