Love what is love


Love is a powerful thing, today at times so many people are so disconnected from love that they are unable to realise the love that is around them. Their world is filled with hate and hurt from the past that that fills their world, so they find something else to hurt them.

Part of the process of learning to love is going through it all to acknowledge what love is not, then to work through the process of forgiveness and to believe you are able to love. It’s a journey, there are people who grow up without a lot and know that they are loved, yet there are people who grow up on the opposite end.

Some people honestly believe that they have to give their kids everything to show their love, they need to give them all the toys, all the stuff. Yet is that really love, some people believe that to have it all is a form of love. They believe this is showing someone I care, by providing everything for that person. The question is “Is that truly love?”, that you are teaching someone to be dependent on you as a person.

That you provide it all for that person, you cook all their meals, you do all the shopping, buy all their clothes, as well as other things. It is unfortunately not a form of love, it is more providing and failing to teach someone to be a person. Yes there are circumstances where people are incapable of doing such and its done out of love.

Growing up kids really want is affection from others, the attention, play with me. Spend time with me, do something with me. Some people cry out for such for years yet until someone comes along that is truly willing to do such with them.

Some people will buy something new in order to fill a needed, they feel unloved. They will go out there and buy that new large tv as they have the money. They will buy a new DVD player as it was on special, yet they are totally incapable of expressing any emotions. The satisfaction they get from that new thing is very often short lived. A lot of the things that have now were brought owing to a need at that point in time, new joggers as the old ones were falling apart. New laptop as the other one was unreliable.

Yet when you buy something owing to having to have it well it shows a lot that you believe that thing will bring happiness. Unfortunately this is not a form of love it’s a form of lack, love is something that is hard to describe as a person.

Love is about truly caring about someone else, that they mean the world to you. That you would do anything you can for them. Its about supporting and accepting who they are as a person. Also who they are as a person, its hard at times. Yet quite often in life there is love all around we are unable to notice it for some reason at all.

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