Creating that wonderful relationship with people

A wonderful article on two different ways of looking at the industry through direct marketing and Network Marketing, they are two very different things as Michael says wow that is powerful. There is the relationship of create that wonderful relationship with someone, there is the recruit side of sell and let them figure it out on their own. Without a relationship with the people in your team, you will get no where fast.

Network Marketing Is NOT What They Tell You

Direct marketing is a numbers game.

Network marketing (MLM) is a relationship game.

Where Network Marketers go wrong is, many are Direct Marketing "wannabes". They’re easy to spot by their favorite phrase: "MLM is just a numbers game."

Maybe dazzled by the loot, they shortcut the relationship part of the process.

But the relationship IS the process.
It IS network marketing.

Network marketing is NOT just a numbers game. People are people, not num- bers. They have goals, dreams and desires. They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandmothers, and grandfathers to people who love them.

The “numbers game” garbage teaches people to become a recruiter, and not a sponsor. Recruit, recruit, recruit, numbers, numbers, numbers.

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy,

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