Some People Wear Me Out!

The following is from Success in 10 steps by Michael Dlouhy on the power of having a very strong reason why you are doing this business and doing what you are doing. So what is your own why?, why are you here in this world and what were you meant to do with your own life? email me your why and we can work together to help you to achieve your goals and dreams.

Some People Wear Me Out!

On the other hand, it wears me out to work with someone who quits. I take it personally. I wonder, “What can I do so this doesn’t happen?”

The answer I get? "Make SURE they have a "WHY" … and make sure it’s a 99.9 percenter!"
What motivates you to get up off the couch? What gets you to turn the TV off?
What would motivate you to call someone who has asked for information on your business?

So my question is, “How motivated are you?”

Mentoring others gives my life worth and meaning. It drives me. For my personal "WHY", I need YOU to know how motivated you are to do whatever it takes to be successful.

First step is to write down your "WHY." And if you won’t pay THAT small price, I want to know now, so I can spend my time with someone who will.

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy, a wonderful post on your own why and what are you meant to do with your life.

Your comments and feedback are important to me. What are your thoughts?

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