How to approach tough prospects rejection-free.

The following is from Tom Big Al’s newsletter on the power of changing a question around to get your prospects input.

How to approach tough prospects rejection-free.
On one of our previous MLM Cruises, Richard Brooke, author of "Mach II with Your Hair on Fire" shared this tip.

Most distributors will ask a tough prospect something like:
"Would you take a look at this business opportunity and see if I should do it?"
This usually brings a very negative review from the tough prospect.
Instead, ask the tough prospect this question:
"Would you tell me how to become successful in my new business?"

What a great difference this question makes. You are more likely to get a positive response and interest by using this question.
If you want to read a 14-page report on how to recruit new prospects without rejection, I have posted it on our site for easy viewing.
Simply go to:
Then click on the "How to Get Swamped with Prospects Begging to Join Your Network Marketing Business" link.

From Tom Big Al’s newsletter on asking a different kind of question from a prospect.

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