The Monk In The White Lab Coat

The following is from Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy, a powerful truth on the power of helping people to achieve their dreams and not getting them to work on achieving your own goals. Work with others to assist them to achieve their own goals and dreams. The mlm industry is about building people and creating those friendships, which can only be done by helping people to achieve their own goals as a person. When you serve peop;e and build them up, you can keep the friendships and relationships for life.

“The Hitters tell you network marketing is a sales business.

It’s not.

Truth: Network marketing is a teaching & mentoring business.

If you study vi- tamins, or long-distance switches, or the age of the monk in the white lab coat that scraped the mold off the rock on the full moon twice a year … or ANY prod- uct or service … you’re wasting your time.

Your product is people. So study people. Find out how you can help them reach their dreams.

THEIR dreams. Not your dreams.

People join people. They don’t join companies. People don’t care that the presi- dent of your company is a family man and has 3 or 4 families to prove it.

Build people. People will build the business.

When you build people, your retention rate goes through the roof.”

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy, A powerful truth from Michael on MLM being a people business and not a sales business.

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