Marketing Insanity The Hitters have more wonderful advice for you:

The following is from Success in 10 steps by Michael Dlouhy a wonderful section on talking to those people who are intrested and getting people to ask you about your opportunity or products. You don’t have to force it down someones throat.

“Talk to EVERYBODY about your business opportunity.”

Oh, man, don’t get me started!

There’s an old saying you hear from time to time: the reason you have 2 ears and 1 mouth is you should LISTEN twice as much as you TALK.

Take a good look next time you see a Heavy Hitter. I swear, if you look closely, you’ll see the guy has zero ears and THREE MOUTHS!

OK. For the sake of argument, let’s see where their advice leads us.

Let’s say you owned a shoe store. You get 300 visitors. If you have the right styles, colors, & price, could you sell some shoes? Absolutely.

But you’d never try fitting a corporate Secretary working at the Trump Towers with men’s construction work boots. Not appropriate.

And not everyone wants your business opportunity.

This advice works great for the 10% of the population who are salespeople (more on this in Chapter 5).

But if you’re part of the 90% who hate pushy, aggressive people, THIS lie will make you feel totally inadequate to ever build a networking busi- ness.

The key is target marketing. Just talk to people who want your products and services. Lead with benefits so REAL prospects see the value your offer and ask you for more information.”

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy,

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