How our prospects tell us "No" in real life.

The following is from Tom Big Al’s newsletter, a wonderful article on what people may say to say “no” to an opportunity as a person.

Our parents taught us to have manners.
It is impolite to say "No" to someone. They "lose face" and are embarrassed. Plus, if we say "No" to a salesman, the salesman interprets that as only an objection, and will harass us forever until we break down and buy.
So, how do real prospects say "No" to us?
They use the following stalls and objections, to help us keep our dignity. Our prospects are just trying to be polite.
See if you have heard any of these "No" answers:
* "I got to talk it over with my spouse."
* "Do you have a brochure I could read?"
* "I want to check out everything on the Internet first."
* "Can I get back to you next week?"
* "I am really busy now, could you call me next week?"
* "Is there a website I can go to?"
* "Do you have a business card?"
* "I have to think it over."
* "Great. Fantastic. When can we get together again?"
Well, you get the idea.
These are all "No" answers from our prospects.
Our prospects don’t want to tell us "No" because they know salesmen are given pep talks every morning that go something like this:

"Just go out and get 100 ‘No’s. Every ‘No’ gets you closer to a ‘Yes.’ You have to get at least seven ‘No’s from your prospect before he will say ‘Yes’ and give you the order."

Yeah, it’s pretty ugly.
My thoughts?
Take a hint.
Some prospects want to tell us "No" but they have to use some of the lame excuses above to get rid of us.
*** The above is a post from the Discussion Forum. If you want to learn skills at a higher level, join us at:

From Tom Big Al’s newsletter, a wonderful article on ways people will say “no”

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