Even Your Mirror Lies!

The following is from Michael Dlouhy’s success in 10 steps on more of the lies we are told and about team work and working together as a team. Not as inderviduals.

“The Hitters give you self-talk to use when you look in the mirror: "If It Is To Be, It’s Up To Me."

No skyscraper or successful network marketing organization has ever been built by one person. It takes teamwork, people from every walk of life & experience level coming together, working together. It takes hundreds, often thousands of people working for one common goal, to build the skyscraper or the network marketing organization.


No steel mill worker = no steel = no building. No glassmaker = no windows = no building. No makers of carpet, tile, marble, lumber, air-conditioning, drywall, concrete, paint, shingles, plumbing fixtures, electrical wiring, tar paper, drywall com- pound, elevators, mortar, bricks, paint brush, doors, crown molding, wallpaper, nails, screws, lights, cabinets, etc. = no skyscraper.

You absolutely need a great product. You won’t sustain success without one. But like the skyscraper, the MOST critical is a LOT of people working together.

I have observed and analyzed a TON of network marketing businesses over the last 26 years. And you know what?

Every single one of them that was NOT people-&-relationship- driven, no matter how good its products or services, no matter how well-managed, has either gone broke or struggled to keep its head above water.

And every "relationship-driven" business, no matter how inferior its products or services and no matter how poorly-managed, was successful almost without fail.

Now … companies with low quality products or services WILL ultimately fail. But MLM companies or groups with wonderful products & services – but who stress "numbers game, recruit, recruit, recruit" – will never scratch the surface of their potential.

Obviously, the biggest successes are people-and-relationship-driven companies with good products or services & good management.

Bottom line? Get a good product or service to sell. THEN focus on helping OTHER people reach their dreams. THAT is your top priority.”

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy, a wonderful article by Michael on the power of relationships, team work and more lies you may be told.

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