What Green Tomatoes Taught Me About Decision

From Willena flewellings blog a wonderful lesson on decision and not procastinating, thank you willena
What Green Tomatoes Taught Me About Decision:
These instructions will be of no value to you UNLESS YOU DEFINITELY DECIDE to organize them into a plan of action. ~ Napoleon Hill
I’ve been up to my ears in tomatoes for the past month. Killing frost comes early in northern Alberta, and you can only cover the tomatoes at night for so long. Eventually you have no choice but to pick them all and bring them indoors to ripen. And you don’t dare wait till they all ripen, because many of them won’t make it.
For weeks I’ve been making green tomato salsa, green tomato cakes, stewed tomatoes and spaghetti sauce.
The other night I had two gallons of diced green tomatoes in the fridge, which had to be used up right away. Two gallons were enough to make eight 9×13 cakes. Now that is a LOT of cakes. I didn’t get started baking till late in the day, and I was STILL mixing and baking well into the wee hours. As I pulled the last two cake pans out of the oven, I glanced at the clock. 4 AM. What??!! How did it get to be that late?? And I thought back to a conversation I had with a friend some years ago….
I’d called myself lazy, because of some tasks I hadn’t gotten done on time. Her response surprised me:
“No, you’re not lazy… you just get overwhelmed when you don’t know what to do. Remember last month when your neighbours were away and your family was doing their farm chores for them? You worked very hard at that. When you know exactly what is expected of you, you dig right in and do it.”
Knowing exactly what to do…. That’s the key! And when you think about it, it isn’t really a DECISION until there’s a plan in place, and you’re following that plan.
© Willena Flewelling

Success in 10 Steps

Phone 780-349-7163

Related posts:

  1. Decision – the Cure for Procrastination
  2. Decision – Fire in the Pump Room!
  3. Definite Decision
  4. The Ninety Percent
From Willena’s blog a wonderful post on decision, thank you Willena.
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