No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Part 1

The following is from Success in 10 steps by Michael Dlouhy on

Listen carefully.

I’m well aware your intentions were gallant: to provide for your family all the things YOU never had, to spend more quality time with them, to help others like yourself grow & prosper.

And remember what happened next?

You were lied to. You were “leveraged”. The Heavy Hitters used you for batting practice. You got thrown in the muck, untrained, unprepared. Your checking ac- count was drained. Your credit cards were maxed out. Friends & relatives screened your phone calls.

Then you looked in the mirror and called yourself, “Loser!”

I know, I know. It started because you want the same things I wanted.

You want to be your own boss, answer to no one … and earn a good living doing it. You want to go where you want, when you want. You want to spend $200 on dinner without batting an eye.

You want precious time NOW with those you love. You want the money & free- dom to take a day off – or 2 weeks off – and maybe fly to some faraway island on a whim.

You want to work and socialize with people you like & admire, who share your outlook on life and your goals. You want the self-satisfaction of achieving your goals, and the self-fulfillment of helping others reach theirs. You want financial independence.

You DON’T want more rejection.

You DON’T want to have to sell anything to anyone.

And you sure DON’T want another MLM.

Good stuff. Holy mackerel, sounds just like ME!

So here I am. I have no choice but to write this book. Truly, no control. You’ll read why in Chapter 2.

But here’s what I do control: This book is free. No company is mentioned or pro- moted. No opportunity is mentioned or promoted.

You’ll find 20 tons of ebooks all over the internet, full of affiliate links. Trust them at your peril, because they profit on every recommendation they make.

My purpose is to share what I’ve learned in nearly 30 years in network market- ing, and present a 10-step success plan you can use with ANY network market- ing opportunity.

The plan is NOT easy.

But it’s simple.

It’s NOT “I’ll do all the work FOR you.”

It only works if YOU do.

It’s NOT “get-rich-quick.”

But you can create a lifetime residual income.

What’s in it for me, you ask? That question is answered in Chapters 2 & 5. Don’t worry. Helping you helps me. It’s part of my giving back to this great industry.

I wish you the absolute best, and I hope you use this information. It could change your life. Are you game? Then read on!

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy, a wonderful introduction to the ebook and as Michael say’s its his way of giving back to the industry and helping people become successful.

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