Network Marketing Tip On Being Lazer Focused

A wonderful post from Lawrence Bergfeld on your why, as appeared on Lawrence Bergfelds blog.
Network Marketing Tip On Being Lazer Focused:
A network marketing tip on being lazer focused is to be disciplined by focusing on what do you want to accomplish. In other words you must have a why that makes you cry. Art Jonak once said if you do not have a why that makes you cry then you do not have one. It is sad that so many people die with the music inside themselves by saying to themselves “I wish I had” instead that I am glad that I did. Jim Rohns parents told him do not ever miss a thing.
Your why can not be about money because if it is then you will chase the money. Your why is being able to take that dream vacation, purchase that new home, having the time to volunteer in a homeless shelter. In this free e-book there is a coachability test in Chapter 2 regarding “Your WHY”. If you utilize the network marketing tip in the coachability test in chapter 2 of this free e-book then we can help you take your business to a whole new level.
Lawrence Bergfeld

</p><p> </p><div>Find The Most Qualified Prospects Today</div><div>Lawrence Bergfeld</div><div>917-399-6207</div><div>&amp;lt;a href=&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;strong&gt;&lt;a href=”<a href=” &quot;&gt

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