Do You Understand What REALLY Motivates You?

I’ve seen it again and again with people in network marketing:

You will quit if you don’t know your “WHY.”

When you come on a stumbling block, maybe it’s a negative in-law or something, and you have a 71% WHY, but you hit a 72% impediment, you’re done. You are toast.

But when you have a “kick-butt” WHY out in front of you, you will never, never quit.

A new business is always a risk. People risk to avoid pain, or to achieve pleasure. Answering these questions may help you find your “WHY”.

* What gets you REALLY excited?
* How many hours a week do you work?
* What do you LOVE about your job?
* What do you HATE about your job?
* What do you do with your free time?
* If you had 2 months vacation and all the money you wanted, what would you do?
* How do you like the people you work with?
* What problem scares you to death that more money could solve?
* What do you just absolutely HATE about your life that more money could solve?
* If you had all the money you needed, what HUGE problem would go away?
* If you had all the TIME in the world to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
* Other than money, what are you looking for?

Here’s a starting point.

The #1 reason I am in this business, that I’m here on this planet, is because I LOVE my family.

I want to spend more quality time with each of them. People say, “Michael, that’s nuts. You work full-time in network marketing, you work at home. You’re already right there.”

Yes. BUT – I treat business as business. When I’m in the office, I’m in the office. Same as if my office was 20 miles away.

But that lets me have that time I cherish with my wife Linda, my son Matthew, and my daughter Amanda.

I realize that many husbands and fathers rarely or never get the chance to do the things they want with their families because of the demands on their time from simply earning a living. Or, they don’t have the money.

For me, the rewards of MLM have allowed me to build the relationships I cherish.

Linda & I talk a LOT. It may be serious business conversation when we’re out to dinner, or simple, crazy, “laugh-to-tears” talks late at night. We love to drive on the beach at Daytona, or go snorkeling at Looe Key.

Matthew & I ride motorcycles & go scuba diving. We talk about business & computers, engines & race cars. Sometimes he even wants advice!

Amanda has a T Top Camero with a “scoop” on the hood. I taught her how to change her oil & service it. We have long talks in the boat out on the water or after watching a movie together. I love to hug her at the end of the day.

Life is good when you get to do the things that make life really worthwhile.

To Your Success,

From Mentoring for frees training and success in 10 steps chapter 2, why are you doing what you are doing right now.

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