An Intelligence Test (1 of 2)

The following is an article from Daren Hardy on the power of Emotional inteligence and its use.

An Intelligence Test (1 of 2)
by Darren Hardy

You probably know by now I was raised by a single father who was a university football coach by profession (and personality). My dad was only 24 years old when I was born so he only knew how to parent like he coached.

Like Tom Hanks said in the movie A League of Their Own, “There’s no crying in baseball!”
Well, there is definitely no crying in football… so there was no crying in our household.

You got used to hearing two things in our house: either “Stop your sniveling and tough it out” or “Keep crying and I’ll give you something to cry about!” The last one always baffled me. If I was already crying I probably already came up with a pretty good reason.

Anyway, the point is I was taught to control my emotions, to disconnect from what I was feeling and handle most situations mentally.

I have found many people of my generation, and most definitely those before me, were raised with very similar beliefs. The term “emotional” came to mean weak, out of control and even childish.

“Don’t be a baby!” we say to the little boy who is crying on the playground. “Leave him alone! Let him work it out!” and we admonish the little girl who runs to help the little boy.

On the other hand, our abilities to memorize and problem-solve, to spell words and do mathematical calculations, are easily measured on written tests and slapped as grades on report cards.

Ultimately, these intellectual abilities dictate which college will accept us and which career paths we‘re advised to follow.

However, this is the conundrum we are discovering: intellectual intelligence (IQ) is usually less important in determining how successful we will become than emotional intelligence (EQ).

We all know people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially inept and unsuccessful. What they are missing is…

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From Darren Hardy;s newsletter wow the power of emotional inteligence. Thank you Darren Hardy

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