Uwe Wagner – Oldenburg, Germany

Uwe Wagner – Oldenburg, Germany

Once again we have come to this chapter, the one I was struggling with so often, because I have been taught that decisions must be sound to stay unchanged and, therefore, it takes time to check all information and different viewpoints.
This is right for decisions in management, but in my personal life I should have done all this already. As a consequence there is no reason to not…
“reach a decision promptly and change it, if at all, only very slowly.”
What’s my own experience with it so far?
When I checked out the Mental Cleanse Programme I promptly reached the decision to participate in it and to stop inhaling all those horrible news.
Furthermore I not only came up with the decision, which by the way isn’t changed for four years now, I put it into action immediately.
Since then I am glad to have good support from my family. Actually nobody in my home does miss the evening news or the crap (shows, soap operas etc.) presented on TV. If we hang around this gadget we’re enjoying a good movie on DVD.
Up to now I didn’t regret my decision. This feeling of freedom coming with it is intensified whenever I run into people “discussing” (it’s more like they are sharing their fear or enhancing their bad mood) some particular news of the day.
Of course they are amazed I don’t know about this special issue…
“But you have to know about it!” they typically say.
“No. Why? What would it help me?” is my reply.
Then there is no real answer of their own, nothing beyond the typical “one has to be informed” and blablabla.
In this moment I am generally changing the subject or simply leave them alone in their enjoyment of bad feelings.
When listening to the recorded MFF calls I reached another decision, the one to really participate in this programme by writing my own lessons.
Thanks Bob and Anna for the gorgeous question in one of those calls: “How can I recommend the Mental Cleanse if I haven’t been active in it by myself?”
It struck me as if this call was made for me, it was my wake-up call.
So I started immediately, following the advice I took from Richard Dennis, to set aside some minutes every morning to read five to ten pages (actually I have read a pile of books since then).
Of course it took me some time to make writing the lesson a habit. The trick that worked for me was reserving a certain time on every Sunday. And now I am enjoying it, especially when I compare my lessons I wrote over the time. Then I recognize how much more I have taken out of Hill’s book and I really do NOT feel any need of changing that decision.
Thanks Michael for making the Mental Cleanse the best never ending story ever.

Lesson plan from Uwe Wagner on chapter 8 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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