Tuula Rands, British Columbia, Canada

Tuula Rands, British Columbia, Canada

Chapter 8 – Decision
Hill states “The value of decisions depends upon the courage required to
render them.  The great decisions, which serves as a foundation
of civilization, were reached by assuming great risks, which often
meant the possibility of death.”
Making a decision to build our business does not bring with it the
Possibility of death.  Yet, for some reason, we don’t make that
powerful,  right, definite decision backed by action to “be all in”
and really build our business.
Why not?
What is it that holds us back from putting our “all” into it?
We have thought we did and as time goes on we realize we really had
not put our full effort into the process.
How do we change that?
Maybe we need to ask ourselves some questions and really be honest
With ourselves.
Do I like where I am financially?
If I keep doing what I have been doing where is it going to get me?
Am I willing to sell my boat or tell my daughter some things have
to be put on hold like Michael did?
Am I willing to lose some friends or family relationships because
they don’t understand what I am doing?
What am I afraid of?
What if I was successful?
How would my life change if I made the kind of money I put down
as my goal?
Other people have done it, why not me?
YES, why not me?
We have the examples, we have the mentors, we have the system.
We really have no excuse.
All it takes is a decision backed by action.
My decision is to “go for it.” 
How about you?
Tuula Rands

Lesson plan from Tuula Rands on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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